Souphanouvong University is a public university and most of its international affairs, including accepting international volunteers and experts, have to be approved by the Lao government. The university does not have a policy in accepting an international expert or volunteer who is not affiliated at its partner university (a university that has signed an MOU with Souphanouvong University) unless the expert or volunteer is dispatched by his/her embassy in Lao PDR.
Souphanouvong University has accepted 59 experts and volunteers from various organisations and institutions as below:
- In 2014, 3
volunteers from the Republic of Korea and 2 volunteers from the USA
- In 2016, 1
volunteer from the Republic of Korea;
- In 2017, 1
expert and 2 volunteers from the Republic of Korea
- In 2018, 2
experts and 3 volunteers from the China, 3 experts and 2 volunteers from the Republic of Korea; and 5 volunteers from the USA
- In 2019, 5
volunteers from China, 1 volunteer from the USA, and 2 volunteers from Australia
- In 2020, 1
expert and 6 volunteers from China, 3 volunteers from the Republic of Korea, 3volunteers from the USA, and 1 volunteer from Vietnam
- In 2021, 2
volunteers from China and 1 volunteer from the USA